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This combination of aesthetic treatments is the way to go for necklace lines

Our review reveals how radio frequency and mesotherapy buddy up to tighten the neck and diffuse horizontal lines

Here at EV, we’re all for a combination approach to get the job done – and if you’re committed to lifting that mid face, lightening that pigmentation or zapping that redness, why use just one tool when you have a whole army at your disposal?

Cue a double-pronged attack, namely radio frequency combined with mesotherapy. So how do each work effectively on the neck? I visited the David Jack Clinic in London to try the twosome out for myself.

Forma is a skin tightening and lifting treatment that uses radio frequency (RF) to support the production of new collagen and elastin; rejuvenating, lifting and sculpting the skin and ironing out wrinkles.

The RF energy gets to work in the skin’s deeper layers for long-term results – the current flows between the electrodes for patient comfort.

And there’s no need to worry about the wand overheating as there is a cut off temperature which reduces energy automatically when it senses that the required skin temperature has been reached; clinical evidence suggests that prolonged exposure to temperatures above 40C is required for an optimal outcome.

It’s suitable for all skin types but can’t be used over dermal fillers or fresh botulinum toxin (Botox).

While there have been some impressive results on the neck, it’s particularly good for mature complexions, targeting skin laxity, forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet, sagging eyelids and smile lines. It can also be used on the body including arms and abdomen.

Mesotherapy works by delivering a cocktail of vitamins and nutrients directly into the dermis to plump and rejuvenate. The formula used by Izabela Pawlitka at the David Jack clinic on my neck lines includes hyaluronic acid, 12 vitamins, 24 amino acids, co-enzymes and minerals.

“We use a combination of techniques including Nappage Meso (a series of freehand microinjections that penetrate 2mm-4mm into the skin), to improve elasticity and skin hydration,” says Pawlitka, who performed my treatment.

“We combine this with Nanosoft Line Meso which is injected directly into the horizontal lines on the neck by a Nanosoft delivery system and tiny 0.6mm needles. We use a micro-injecting technique that deposits bubbles of a revitalising solution into the intradermal layer of skin (epidermis) to hydrate, nourish and bio-stimulate the regeneration of collagen and elastin.”

Forma reaches a temperature of around 43C which is needed to prompt the skin to start producing collagen. Firstly, a cooling jelly was applied (to allow the RF to conduct) and the treatment delivered using a handpiece which looks a bit like a wand and is simply glided over the skin.

Izabela moved the handpiece along my jawline, and on my neck and decolletage; it was one of the more relaxing aesthetic treatments I’ve ever had, a little like a hot stone massage. This part took 15 minutes and I personally found it very tolerable – I was nearly asleep by the end of it.

Before beginning the mesotherapy, Izabela applied numbing cream to my skin before working on my two horizontal neck lines – this is because the neck skin is a different texture to the face and can be more sensitive. The needles are very fine so while it’s not particularly painful, it was a little uncomfortable at times. Again, the treatment was over in 15 minutes.

There can be up to 24 hours of downtime after mesotherapy – I experienced the typical small swollen bumps that look a bit like welts; I also had some to-be-expected redness from the Forma treatment and heat in my skin for a couple of hours which felt like I’d been bitten by fire ants.

The following day my neck was still a little swollen but I also noticed that the skin looked tighter, texture and radiance had improved and my neck lines appeared softer. The day after my skin was back to normal.

Initial treatment usually requires three sessions spaced two weeks apart. Two sessions per year are suggested to maintain the results.

I’d certainly be tempted to do this combination treatment again as the results following just one session alone were pretty good.

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